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Montresor does not describe "the perfect crime." Crime could mean anything from murder to robbery to assault. Montresor describes what is necessary to achieve complete revenge. According to Montresor, he wanted to exact revenge with impunity; however to do this two things were necessary. The person gaining revenge must do so without being caught and the person against whom revenge is being exacted must know that he is paying for his offense.

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3mo ago

In "The Cask of Amontillado," the narrator, Montresor, hints at his plan for revenge and murder through his carefully calculated actions, such as his manipulation of Fortunato's pride and vanity. Montresor also foreshadows the crime through his comments about seeking revenge and his deceitful behavior towards Fortunato. The description of the catacombs and the references to death and burial throughout the story also serve as clues to the impending crime.

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14y ago

Think of your definition of commiting the perfect crime, no doubt you would say not getting caught would make it "perfect". In the case of "the cask of amontillado," Montressor commited the perfect crime by holding Fortunato in the catacomb while sealing the room with the bricks to make it look like the room does not exist. he did this without getting caught.

We know he did not get caught because Montresor is telling the story as a flashback to when it actually occurred, 50 years earlier. At the end of the story, Montresor states that the wall has remained undisturbed for half a century with Fortunato resting peacefully behind it all that time.
Montresor is retelling the story of how he got his revenge on Fortunato by chaining him to a wall in a small room in his cellar, then laying a brick wall to seal Fortunato in. At the end of the story, Montresor states that the wall has remained undisturbed for the past half century, meaning no one has ever found out that Fortunato is still behind the wall after all these years.

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14y ago

You can write an entire essay on the tone of Horror Montresor creates in the story. He is extermely vengeful, and there is something 'wrong' with him as he takes joy in listening to the shrieks of his murder victim.

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Q: What clues does the writer give about the impending crime the cask of amontillado?
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