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The conflict of this story is character vs. self. This is the conflict because Mrs. Mallard felt such a deep sadness as she first heard the news about her husband. But as she went up to her room by herself, she suddenly felt free. She knew she didn't have her husband to boss her around anymore. She felt victorious. She felt happy knowing her life was going to change in so many good ways. We know she was happy because of the way she was describing the bright spring day she was looking at through her window. As she left her room, she then realized her husband wasn't dead. She felt so disappointed, she had a heart attack and died.

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Silas Gibson

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2y ago
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5mo ago

In "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, the protagonist, Louise Mallard, experiences a conflict between her own feelings of freedom and joy at the news of her husband's death, and the societal expectations that she should be mourning. This internal conflict intensifies when her husband turns out to be alive, leading to a tragic ending.

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