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You could say something like, "Sending you love and hugs from far away. I hope you are doing well and staying safe. I miss you and look forward to the day when we can see each other again."

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Q: What can say to your aunt in another country?
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If you are eighteen and your girlfriend is seventeen and was born in another country and her aunt and uncle have adopted her can you adopt her or help her get emancipated?

until she is 18 is up to the govement and her unkel to let you adopt her but when she is 18 she as a say if she wants you to adopt her

How do you say auntie or aunt Swahili?

You can say "shangazi" in Swahili to refer to auntie or aunt.

How do you say aunt in Finnish?

Aunt is täti.

Do you say Aunt Jane or aunt Jane in writing?

aunt jane

How do you say mom's aunt in English?

Your mom's aunt is your great aunt.

What is another way to say your sister's son?

Your sister's son is your nephew. You are his aunt (if you are a woman) or his uncle (if you are a man).

How do you say aunt in different languages?

well you can either say it like ant. or you can say like a uh instead of the a in aunt. French: my aunt = ma tante Spanish: my aunt = mi tía German: my aunt = meine Tante

How do you say aunt in latin?

maternal aunt-matertera paternal aunt-amita

How do you say aunt?

There are 2 ways to say it. Aunt like ant. Aunt like unt like in the end of the word blunt.

Is your aunt's sister related to you?

Yes. Your aunt's sister is either another aunt or your mother.

How you are related to your great aunt?

Your great aunt is the sister of one of your grandparents. The wife of one of your grand parent's brothers is your great aunt by marriage. Another way to look at it is that your great aunts are the aunts of one of your parents.