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In a new company, I expect a positive work environment that encourages communication, collaboration, and growth opportunities. I also look for strong leadership, a clear vision, and a commitment to employee well-being and development. Additionally, I value a company that values diversity and inclusion.

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Q: What are your expectation in a new company?
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Indicate the need for new adventure and growth but do not lie. If it is not necessary in the same field, and not exactly the same job, new challenges will be relevant

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It is related with the budget of the company. If a company gives $1000 sales to one employee. It means the company expectation from the employee is $1000. So this is a key performance indicator in terms of efficiency.

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we can give answer as this ' i want to boost up my carrier so that i have to change a good and strengthen company which can complete my carrier goal so your company is same as my carrier expectation

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I assume this is a trick question, and the answer is "everything". If you expect it, it is your expectation and if it is your expectation, you expect it.

Expectation is always positive?

If you mean probabilistic expectation, the answer is no.

What is your expectation from company?

A commonly asked question during a job interview is what to expect from a company if hired. This must be answered with a chance to contribute one's skills, grow with the company, and be justly compensated.

What is conditional expectation of 2 uncorrelated random variables-is it equal to unconditional expectation?

Yes. the conditional expectation of X given Y is simply the expectation of X if X and Y are uncorrelated. This is a consequence of one of the properties of conditional expectation.

When was Experiments in Expectation created?

Experiments in Expectation was created in 2001.

How do you expectation in a sentence?

Our school's expectation this year is not to do to the principle's office.