There are three commonly recognized races: African, Caucasian, and Oriental.
They were all Adam's Race or what we commonly cal the Human Race.
There are not different human races, there is only one.
An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races was created in 1855.
the most common races were the three legged races and the wheel races
There is only one human race.
Just one.
A person who is of three different races is commonly referred to as "multiracial" or "tri-racial."
No. Anthropology is the study of man. Anthropologists do not study human races because they do not exist.
Human races are the humans and hobbits. Other humanoids are the Elves and the Dwarves.
Yes. Some alien races have three fingers on each hand.
Human, Thats it.
The Ph. of all human blood is the same. Different races of people do not possess different Ph. balances of their blood.