"The Isle of the Lost" is set on the Isle of the Lost, a fictional island where the Disney villains and their children are imprisoned. The island is a dark and gloomy place, filled with forbidden magic and guarded by a magical barrier. The main settings include the castle where Maleficent resides, the town square where the VKs gather, and the various forbidden areas where dangerous spells and creatures lurk.
the main setting is in Stonybrook, Connecticutt.
The main setting of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, as always (apart from in the 7th book), is Hogwarts. Most of the book is set in Hogwarts, but they do spend alot of their time either with Hagrid or somewhere in the forest.
same here, idk either, but since its an adventure and they travel everywhere, the main setting would probuly be in camp half blood, or the mansion where heras cage was, i forget what its called
The main setting was probably the arena because most of the action occurred in the arena
Hogwarts is the main setting of the second book.
Hi the setting of the book money hungry is a city
The MAIN setting in Stepping On The Cracks was th woods,and outside
the setting of Hit and Run is when the main character are riding in a car.
That would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy, specifically the Return of the King book.
All the main book settings are in Rosewood, Pennsylvania.
no it isn't