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Using the term "Up to 5 more miles per gallon"

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The weasler is a type of rhetoric that uses vague or ambiguous language to make a claim appear stronger or more justifiable than it actually is. For example, using phrases like "some studies suggest" or "experts agree" without providing specific sources or evidence. It is often used to evade responsibility or accountability for a claim.

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Q: What are the examples of the weasler as a rhetoric device?
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The six devices of persuasive rhetoric are ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), logos (logic), kairos (timing), metaphor (figurative language), and rhetorical questions (questions that provoke thought).

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If you mean how to use the word 'rhetoric' in a sentence, you could say 'His words were just empty rhetoric,' meaning he was just full of hot air and no substance. If you mean how to use a rhetorical device (or figure of speech) in a sentence, a good example is JFK's famous line, "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.' This is a device called Chiasmus, where the words in one phrase or clause are reversed in the next, i.e 'country ... you' becomes 'you ... country.'

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Examples of processing device are computers, mobile phones and calculators. Any device that processes data can generally be referred to as a computer.

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A rhetorical question is a device used to persuade or subtly influence the audience. It's a question asked not for the answer, but for the effect.