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-dill dares him to touch the radley place

-he cuts mrs.dubose camellias

-when someone attacks them while coming from the halloween pageant

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  1. "Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts."
  2. "I ain't ever seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man."
  3. "If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other?"
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Q: What are some quotes for Jem Finch that show his courage?
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What are some quotes spoken by Jem Finch?

ii dont know how about you just read the book!

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Some famous quotes attributed to Perseus from Greek mythology include "Thus, then, the story of Perseus; a capital exemplar of ingenuity and courage," and "Perseus was born of the sea; the fruit of Jupiter and the virgin Danae."

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If you mean quotes from the show "the office", then I would suggest going to the tv station website and obtaining information about where you can find quotes.

What are some famous quotes from the TV show LOST?

The TV show Lost has a lot of quotes which are liked by many people. Some of these are in diallogues. Please fine some below: 1. ""Do not mistake co-incidence for fate"" 2. Ana: When I say move, you move. When I say stop, you stop. When I say jump, what do you say? -- Sawyer: YOU First! 3. ""I've done everything you want me to do SO WHY DID YOU DO THIS!? WHY!?""

Is finch a migratory bird?

Most species of finch migrate, but some, like the house finch, do not.

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The answer is he didn't show faith or courage he was just an idiot who got lucky and stumbled on some land...

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John Maxwell is a very famous leader. He is an author as well, and he delights in writing quotes about leadership. One of the famous quotes from John Maxwell that I dearly like is this: "A leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position."

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"Okonkwo was a man." "Did you see that man, Okonkwo?" "You are my son. Okonkwo, I am your father!"

Are finch eggs white?

some are. There are soooooooo many types of finch, some of their eggs are blue, some are white with brown spots.

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ROBLOX Quotes are like any Quotes " "

Who are some people that lack courage?

This is a pretty hard one. All people have courage of some kind and all of us lack courage at some time. I'm retired military and I have seen people do some pretty courageous things and then run like crazy at other times. Courage is more than standing up to a bully or running headling into a fight. Some people are born with physical disabilities and manage to overcome them and even flourish. That is one type of courage. Others show their courage by just going to work day after day to provide for their families. Courage doesn't necessarily mean you are not afraid. Sometimes you can be very afraid and you will still do what you need to do to protect yourself or a loved one. Don't worry, when it really matters, you will have the courage you need.