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Start with the name. they do not come, necessarily from Siam, or Thailand- though the first popular surviving pair, Chang and Eng Bunker, were of this background. It is not some sort of punishment for loose morals ( a crackpot idea as innocent children are born in a state of Freak-dom)- this was often thought about congenital anomalities of all sorts including, in some lay quarters, Blindness. The facts are more important than the myths. In all known cases, they are gender-bound. two boys or two girls- King-0r Queen, takes their color! I am not aware of a mixed-gender pair which would surely be adding shock to Horror as far as any rehab would go, and there would be, of course, gender and toilet problems. normally they are of the same gender, hence gender-bound- and tight as a drum!

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5mo ago

Some myths about conjoined twins include that they have separate personalities, that they can feel each other's pain, and that they have telepathic communication. In reality, conjoined twins are individuals with their own thoughts and feelings, each with their own unique identity. They have separate nervous systems, so they do not feel physical sensations experienced by their twin.

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What is the name for twins joined together at some part of there body?

Conjoined twins.

If i breed conjoined twins with other conjoined twins will there eventually be a 4 headed person?

Conjoined twins cannot be bred. This condition is not genetic.A set of male conjoined twins fathering children with a set of female conjoined twins will almost certainly produce children who are not even twins at all.

What was the name of Chinese conjoined twins?

The most famous (Chinese) conjoined twins were the Siamese twins

Are conjoined twins real?

Yes. They used to be called Siamese twins but that was changed to conjoined twins for political correctness. They are twins that are born joined together by some part of their body due to the egg bot completely separating during pregnancy.

What are female conjoined twins called?

Just that, female conjoined twins. In some languages all nouns have gender, so in French, Les Jumelles Siamesienne, the enne suffix would mean female. By the way, conjoined twins, being also identical twins, are always the same gender.

How often do you have conjoined twins?

conjoined twins are very very very rare .

Why can't Conjoined twins be brother and sister?

why can't conjoined twins be brothers and sisters

How would you use conjoined in a sentence?

The twins were conjoined when they were born.

What are the three types of twins?

There is Identical twins, Nonidentical twins and Conjoined twins.

What is craniopagus twins?

Craniopagus twins are conjoined twins who are attached at the head.

What is conjoined twins?

At one time called "Siamese Twins", these are twins that, prior to birth, their bodies are permanently joined together in some manner.

What does conjoined mean?

Meaning: Consisting of two or more associated entities; to join