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Examples of an omniscient narrator include the narrator in Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace," who knows the thoughts and actions of multiple characters, and the narrator in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," who provides insights into the inner workings of various characters and events. This narrator has full knowledge of the story and characters, allowing for a broad perspective and commentary on the events unfolding.

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Q: What are some examples of an omniscient narrator?
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What are some examples of a thrid person narrator?

Examples of a third-person narrator include an omniscient narrator who knows all characters' thoughts and feelings, a limited omniscient narrator who focuses on one character's perspective, and an objective narrator who only reports what can be observed externally.

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The term for a narrator who knows everything about a story is an omniscient narrator. This type of narrator has insight into the thoughts and feelings of all characters and events in the story.

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You might say the narrator of 'His Last Bow' and 'The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone' is omniscient.

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An outside narrator is third person omniscient.

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Yes, an omniscient character is all knowing. Usually omniscient characters acts as the narrator

What an omniscient narrator?

That is a voice that is written from outside the story that knows everything about the story. The word omniscient means "all-knowing." This usually implies a 3rd person point of view, but not always. First person omniscient is possible, but rather rare. Some writers and critics argue that there is a distinction between 3rd person omniscient and universal omniscient, where the narrator has information that none of the characters have.

What kind of narrator knows the thoughts and sees the actions of all the characters in a story?

Third person omniscient

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A third-person limited narrator focuses on the thoughts and experiences of one character, while a third-person omniscient narrator can access the thoughts and experiences of multiple characters. The limited narrator provides a narrower perspective, while the omniscient narrator offers a broader view of the story.

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third person omniscient (omniscient means that we have no knowledge of the person)

How is a limited third-person narrator different from an omniscient narrator?

A third-person limited narrator has insight into only one character, while a third-person omniscient narrator has insight into all the characters.

What do you call the person who tells the story when he is omniscient or all knowing and reliable?

A narrator who is omniscient, all-knowing, and reliable is often referred to as a reliable third-person omniscient narrator. This type of narrator has insight into the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story and can provide a comprehensive and trustworthy account of events.

Is the omniscient narrator required to tell the truth?

Yes, the omniscient narrator is expected to tell the truth in a story. This narrator is all-knowing and presents information objectively, providing insight into characters and events from a neutral perspective. Misleading information would compromise the narrator's reliability and the overall credibility of the story.