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Dr. Jekyll is described as a tall, handsome, and well-respected professional with a friendly demeanor. In contrast, Mr. Hyde is portrayed as a small, ugly, and menacing figure with dark, sinister features. The transformation between the two characters highlights the extreme differences in their physical appearances.

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Q: What are physical characteristics of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
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Why did drjekyll have a problem with mrhyde?

The reason that Dr. Jekyll had a problem with Mr. Hyde was that Hyde was practically everything evil about Dr. Jekyll. Combined with physical appearance and his evil personality, there was nothing to like about Mr. Hyde.

What are examples of Foreshadowing in Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

One example of foreshadowing in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is when Mr. Hyde tramples a girl in the street without remorse, hinting at his more sinister nature. Another example is the physical transformation that Dr. Jekyll undergoes when turning into Mr. Hyde, which serves as a foreshadowing of the internal conflict within him.

Who was Edward Hyde?

Edward Hyde is a fictional character from Robert Louis Stevenson's novella "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." He represents the dark and immoral side of Dr. Jekyll's personality, brought out by a scientific experiment gone wrong. Hyde is depicted as a sinister and violent alter ego of Dr. Jekyll.

The good side of Mr Hyde becomes Dr?

In the story of the "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde and visa versa. The story is associated with dissociative identity disorder where Dr. Jekyll represents the good in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde represents the evil side in Dr, Jekyll.

What was Dr. jekyll's nickname?

Dr. Jekyll's nickname was Mr. Hyde.

How are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde phyiscally similar?

Mister Hyde is Dr. Jekyll minus all his goodness. Dr. Jekyll was a big man, of noble stature. Mr. Hyde was short and hunched.

Where was the girl who was tramples in Dr. jekyll and Mr. Hyde going?

The girl who was trampled in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" was going to deliver a message for Mr. Hyde, the evil alter ego of Dr. Jekyll. She was seeking to deliver a note to Dr. Jekyll's residence.

How does Mr. Hyde turning into Dr. Jekyll affect Dr Lanyon?


What is a fact from Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson?

One fact from "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" is that the character of Mr. Hyde is described as being small, deformed, and sinister in appearance, which contrasts sharply with the respected and gentlemanly Dr. Jekyll. This physical contrast symbolizes the inner duality and evil nature lurking within Dr. Jekyll.

What was the name of the surgical theater in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The surgical theater in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is called the dissecting room. It is where Dr. Jekyll performs experiments and transformations that lead to the creation of Mr. Hyde.

Who is the troglodyte in the novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde A Mr. Gabriel Utterson B Dr Jekyll C Mr. Hyde D Dr Hastie Lanyon?

The troglodyte in the novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is C) Mr. Hyde. He is the alter ego of Dr. Jekyll, representing the dark and immoral side of his character.

Mr Hyde played which of these roles in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Mr. Hyde plays the role of Dr. Jekyll's darker, more sinister alter ego in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." He represents the hidden, evil side of Dr. Jekyll's personality that emerges when he takes a potion to transform into Mr. Hyde.