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  • It won't work and she will have to be married.
  • If it doesn't work that she will have to stab herself.
  • That it is poison.
  • That the Friar wants her dead to cover his tracks.
  • That she will wake before Romeo arrives.
  • That, if she wakes early, she will not be able to breathe.
  • That the bodies of her relatives are there, even that of Tybalt's.
  • That if she wakes early the smell and fear of the bodies around her will make her go mad.
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5mo ago

Juliet fears that the potion might actually be poison. She is scared of waking up alone in the tomb and of seeing Tybalt's ghost haunting her. She also worries about failing to wake up in time to stop Romeo from doing something drastic.

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8y ago
  1. The potion might not work. Well, if not, she has a dagger handy.
  2. The Friar might have given her poison. Nah, not a holy man like him!
  3. Romeo may not show up and she will be buried alive in a tomb with a bunch of rotting corpses, like Tybalt's. Well, here goes . . .
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Q: What are juliets fears as she is about to drink the potion?
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One of juliets fears about the potion?

1. What if it does not work. 2. What if it is a poison that is given to her that will kill her. 3. What if she wakes up before Romeo comes.

What are juliets worst fears before drinking the potion in romeo and Ju?

Juliet's worst fears before drinking the potion in "Romeo and Juliet" include waking up alone in the tomb, being buried alive, and potentially suffering a violent death if the plan fails. She is also afraid of the uncertainty of the potion's effects and whether Romeo will truly be there to rescue her.

Is juliets back up plan to use a dagger in case the potion doesn't work?

Yes, Juliet's backup plan is to use a dagger if the potion doesn't work. She fears waking up in the tomb before Romeo arrives and chooses to have the dagger as a way to prevent herself from a painful death if the potion fails.

How do you drink potion in Legend of Zelda?

Set the potion of your choice to one of the C BUTTONS and then click that C button to drink the potion

What do you do with a green potion on runescape?

A green potion is an antipoison for poison. So if you are poisoned just drink the antipoison potion. You can drink the potion three times before it empties. if it is full

What is the drink you potion in Alice in Wonderland called?

The drink in Alice in Wonderland is called "Drink Me." It is a mysterious potion that makes Alice shrink in size after she consumes it.

Who first found juliets body in her bedroom?

Romeo finds Juliet's body in her bedroom after she has taken a potion that makes her appear dead.

What are some of Juliet fears about drinking the potion?

Juliet fears that the potion might not work, that it could be a test of her loyalty to Romeo, or that she might wake up before Romeo arrives. She is also scared of being alone and trapped in the tomb.

Is juliets drinking of the potion foolhardly or courageous?

Juliet's decision to drink the potion can be seen as both foolhardy and courageous. It is foolhardy because she is taking a risk by putting her trust in Friar Lawrence's plan without knowing all the potential consequences. However, it can also be seen as courageous because she is willing to face death in order to be with Romeo, showing her deep love and commitment to him.

What drink intended as a medicine or charm beginning with pot?

I am sure it begins with pot

What does the awkward potion in minecraft do?

If you drink an awkward potion, it doesn't do anything. That's what makes it so awkward for you when you drink it.

What part of speech is potion?

The word "potion" is a noun. It refers to a drink or concoction that is believed to have magical or medicinal properties.