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There is a great deal of Foreshadowing; nearly every sentence of the wine cask scene is foreshadow. The wine that stained the ground, feet, hands, faces, and people red is representing the bloodshed that will come to all the peasants in the coming revolution. Another Foreshadow is when the man writes "BLOOD" on the wall with the wine. Hunger is Personified as the grievances of the peasants. These grievances (high taxes ect.) are what really caused the revolution.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

In "A Tale of Two Cities," book 2, personifications are used to bring abstract concepts to life. For example, the character of Madame Defarge personifies the French Revolution's thirst for revenge, while the character of Lucie Manette personifies selfless love and compassion. Additionally, the city of Paris itself is personified as a force of chaos and revolution.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Chapter 16- Saint Antoine turned himself inside out, and sat on door-steps and window-ledges, and came to the corners of vile streets and courts, for a breath of air.

Also- there were many like her such as the world will do well never to BREED again.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

One example is the description of how bad the Dover atmosphere smelled and another one is when they talk about how Mr. Manette was buried alive for 18 years (even though he wasn't actually buried alive, but rather but in solitary confinement).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Personification is giving a non-living object a human feeling. ex. When I passed by the painting, I could see the eyes staring at me.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

“Much too near together- as if they were afraid of being found out something, singly, if they kept too far apart.” -Describing Jerry Cruncher's eyes

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