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She is impatient and worried because the nurse is taking so long. She says "The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse; in half an hour she promised to return. Perchance she cannot meet him! That's not so." The nurse said she'd be back in half an hour and it is now noon, so she is two-and-a-half hours late. (Probably she stopped at a pub for a couple of beers--it's a hot day) Anyway, you can understand Juliet's impatience.

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7y ago

Juliet does not talk about her feelings as she awaits the return of the Nurse in II, 5, but we can guess. She is impatient to hear the news the Nurse will bring; she hopes and believes that it will be good news (as it turns out to be). She shows no fear that the news will be bad.

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5mo ago

Juliet is anxious and impatient as she eagerly waits to hear the message from Romeo. She's full of love and anticipation, hoping for good news from her beloved.

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