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Fortunato is an expert on wine tasting. He had a friend tell him he was an expert on it.

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6mo ago

Yes, Fortunato was considered an expert on wines. He prided himself on his knowledge and experience in the wine industry, which ultimately led to his downfall in Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado."

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12y ago

They were experts on wine

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Q: Was fortunato an expert on wines?
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How does Montresor describe Forturato's strengths and weaknesses early in the story The Cask of Amontillado?

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Both Fortunato and Montresor demonstrate skills in manipulation and deception, as seen in their interactions in "The Cask of Amontillado." Both characters also display keen intelligence and cunning in their respective roles within the story.

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Montresor appeals to fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur

In The Cask of Amontillado how does Montressor lure Fortunato farther and farther into the catacombs?

Montresor appeals to Fortunato's pride and vanity as a connoisseur of wines when he tells Fortunato that he has what might be a rare wine known as an Amontillado. He tells Fortunato that he will ask another person, Luchesi, to advise him if the wine is a genuine Amontillado. Fortunato's vanity makes him insist that he, rather than Luchesi, be the one to do the testing because he is a much better judge of wine than is Luchesi.

What is luchresi's role in the story the cask ofamomtillado?

In "The Cask of Amontillado," Luchresi serves as a rival wine expert to Fortunato. Montresor mentions Luchresi to goad Fortunato into proving his own expertise in wine tasting, which ultimately leads to Fortunato's downfall. Luchresi never physically appears in the story but is mentioned as a means to manipulate Fortunato.

How does montresor get Fortunato to go with him in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Montresor lures Fortunato to the catacombs by appealing to his pride and his love for fine wines, specifically mentioning a cask of Amontillado that he claims to have acquired. Fortunato's curiosity and desire to show off his wine expertise lead him to follow Montresor deep into the catacombs, where he meets his doom.

In what ways are Fortunato and Montresor alike?

Both Fortunato and Montresor are depicted as prideful characters. They both show a sense of arrogance and self-importance in the story. Additionally, they both have a strong desire for revenge, leading to the main conflict in the narrative.

What are 3 hints that Montresor gives to Fortunato?

Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs with the promise of tasting Amontillado, a rare and valuable wine. He induces Fortunato to accompany him by mentioning that he will ask another expert for his opinion on the wine. Montresor reveals that his family motto is "Nemo me impune lacessit" ("No one insults me with impunity"), a subtle warning of his sinister intentions.

In 'The Cask of Amontillado' what did Fortunato pride himself on?

Fortunato prided himself on his knowledge and expertise in wine-tasting. He considered himself a connoisseur and flaunted his refined palate.

What does Fortunato think about Luchesi in the story The Cask of Amontillado?

Montresor said he would get Luchresi's help if Fortunato wouldn't go with him. Fortunato is a fool when it comes to wine when he states in paragraph 14 that "Luchresi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry." This is a clear indication that Fortunado is actually a drunkard and not a connoisseur of wine, for Amontillado is a Sherry wine. Luchresi is probably renowned in the wine business, so the threat of being outclassed motivates Fortunato to go with Montresor in arrogance.

In the story 'The Cask of Amontillado' what reason did Montresor give to Fortunato so the latter would go with him?

Montresor told Fortunato that he had acquired a cask of Amontillado wine and needed his expertise to verify its authenticity. This appealed to Fortunato's pride and connoisseurship, enticing him to accompany Montresor to the catacombs.

Who were the main characters in the story The Cask of Amontillado?

The main characters in "The Cask of Amontillado" are Montresor, the narrator seeking revenge, and Fortunato, the victim lured into Montresor's trap. The story revolves around Montresor's elaborate plan to exact his revenge on Fortunato for an unspecified insult.