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Are you thinking of irony?

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9mo ago

Unexpected outcomes can occur due to various factors such as chance, complexity, or unknown variables. Embracing these surprises can lead to new understandings and opportunities for growth and learning.

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Q: This is the opposite of what you expect to happen?
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Could you give Give examples of ironic statement?

Irony is when the opposite of what you would expect to happen actually happens. A firehouse burning down to the ground is ironic because you would never expect that to happen.

What is the opposite word of happen?

The opposite word of "happen" is "cease" or "end."

What phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen?

That concept is known as irony. It involves a discrepancy between expectation and reality, often manifesting in a situation that is the opposite of what one would expect.

What will happen on 05 19 13 expect us?

Nothing Expect it. Expect us.

What is it called when the opposite of what you expect to happen happens in a story?

That would be irony! (Situational irony, if you wish to be more specific.)

What is the word used when the opposite of what you expect happens?


Why is there addition?

well what do you expect. "For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction." There is subtraction, and the opposite is addition.

What is the opposite of 'to expect'?

The one word that can be an antonym of both is accidental.

What the opposite of happen?

Well, I can tell you that the opposite of happen is spelled in two ways: 1) Dematerialize or 2) Dematerialise.

What is the opposite of expected?

The opposite of "expected" would be "unexpected" or related words such as surprising, unanticipated, or unforeseen.

What is unforessen occurrence?

something you didnt expect to happen

Who are the people who expect bad things to happen?
