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It's the narrator's son.

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Michael Scalise

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2y ago
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The person who kills the Jabberwock is the father of the narrator.

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Q: The person who kills the Jabberwock is realated to the narrator.What is the relationship?
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What is the relationship between the speaker of the poem and the person who kills the Jabberwock?

What is the relationship between the speaker of the poem and the person who kills the Jabberwock?

Is Chis Brown related to anyone in Norfolf?

Yes he is realated to this person and the person is his aunt hope this works :)

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The height of the Jabberwock varies across different adaptations and interpretations, but in Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky," it is described as being tall and fierce. Its height is often depicted as towering over a person, emphasizing its terrifying presence.

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well that depends. if the person is part of your family tree with your last name than they are definatly related to you. but many families can have your last name and not be at all related to you. mhmmm

Can a mimic person have a normal relationship?

If you mean by a mimic person, you mean a mime, that person cannot have a NORMAL relationship, but a relationship could be done.

What if you are in a relationship on Facebook but the person you are In relationship with does not how do you show you are in a relationship?

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A rebound relationship can be either person.

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it means there scared or doesn't want to begin a relationship

Can you say someone is a jabberwocky?

You could, but it depends what you mean. If you mean the person is a horrible beast, then you might want to say "Jabberwock" instead. The poem itself is called "Jabberwocky," so you would only be calling someone a poem.

What is parisitic relationship?

Parasitic relationship means that when one person benefits from the other person but the other person does not benefit.

How to deal with nonchalant person?

If you are in a relationship with this person sometimes its best to end the relationship. Nine times out of ten this person is cheating on you and does not know how to end the relationship. They are hoping that you will get tired of the abuse and walk away.

Is it ok to have a crush on someone else and already be in a relationship?

Well what I think is if you have a relationship with someone that that person is the only person you like and have feelings for. But if you do have a crush on someone dont act on it, or talk to the person you are in a relationship and tell him/her what you are feeling and see what they say...But its best to forget about the crush because you are in a relationship. But if you dont want to be in the relationship you are in then break up with the person in a kind way and then go for your crush, but to tell you the truth I would stay with the person your in the relationship with because the person you have a crush on might not like you back and then you lose the person you were dating and the person you liked, so you could basically lose both of them.