"At Last, This Fragrance" by Arturo Rotor is a short story that revolves around the life of a professor who is obsessed with the scent of a flower called ylang-ylang. The professor's obsession drives him to the brink of madness as he seeks to capture the essence of the fragrance. The story explores themes of desire, identity, and the power of memories.
summary of last ths fragrance
In Arturo Rotor's "At Last, This Fragrance," the character narrator is complex and introspective. He grapples with themes of identity, culture, and societal expectations, offering a deep reflection on his experiences and relationships. His narrative style provides insight into Filipino culture and inner struggles, making him a compelling and relatable character.
The theme of the story "at last this fragrance", is about the concept of "attachment".
48 Hours - 1988 Arturo Gatti's Last Fight 25-1 was released on: USA: 24 September 2011
Selena Gomez's fragrance is available now at Macy's. It was released in June 2012. Thanks but I already bougt it last month
It is a dance that was popular in Paris at the turn of the last century.
Best conclusion or in short summary.
Greg is Arturo's real name. I could tell you his last name, but I'm not going to. A friend of a friend married his sister.
The summary of the Last Homecoming and Trial of Rizal was where Rizal returned to his homeland. It was considered to be a bittersweet return. It was a sacrifice of his life.