"The Count of Monte Cristo" is primarily set in France during the early 19th century after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. The story takes place in various locations such as Paris, Marseilles, Rome, and the Chateau d'If prison. The novel highlights themes of betrayal, revenge, and redemption against the backdrop of a post-Napoleonic French society.
The Count of Monte Cristo was released on 01/25/2002.
The production budget for the film "The Count of Monte Cristo" was approximately $35 million.
The Count of Monte Cristo musical by James Behr was created in 2002.
The Count of Monte Cristo - 1908 was released on: USA: 15 February 1908
The Count of Monte Cristo - 1913 was released on: USA: 1 November 1913
In "The Count of Monte Cristo," there are several examples of personification, such as when the sea is described as "growling" or the wind is described as "whispering." These instances help create a vivid and vivid imagery that adds depth to the story's setting and mood.
The Count of Monte-Cristo - 1991 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
The cast of The Count of Monte Cristo - 1913 includes: Murdock MacQuarrie as Danglars
Dagmara Domińczyk portrays the character Mercedes in the 2002 film adaptation of "The Count of Monte Cristo."
Some aliases used by Edmond Dantes in "The Count of Monte Cristo" include Sinbad the Sailor, Lord Wilmore, and the Count of Monte Cristo.
Villefort discovered that Benedetto was his son in The Count of Monte Cristo after the trial where Benedetto was sentenced to death for his crimes. The truth was revealed during a conversation between Villefort and the Count of Monte Cristo.
The Count of Monte Cristo