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Jem and Scout have mixed feelings about Christmas because the family gets together and they do not get along with them so they dread the events that occur, but at the same time they enjoy Christmas as most other child would.

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6mo ago

Scout feels disappointed by the lack of Christmas gifts, while Jem is more understanding of their family's financial situation. Scout's disappointment stems from societal expectations of gift-giving during Christmas, which clashes with their family's financial struggles, while Jem's maturity allows him to see beyond material gifts as the true meaning of Christmas.

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9y ago

Scout and Jem have mixed feelings of happiness and dread about Christmas. They are happy about the food their aunt will cook and the presents but they dread spending time with their cousin who is boring.
because they like Raven Riley..
Scout and jem have "mixed feelings"about christmas
Scout and Jem have to spend time with Atticus family during Christmas, which includes being with Aunt Alexandra - who they don't like.

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12y ago

because they can .

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Q: Scout and Jem have mixed feelings about Christmas What are these feelings and why?
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Scout receives a baton and Jem receives an air rifle as presents at Christmas in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

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Atticus brings Jem and Scout to his sister Alexandra's house. They have always went there for Christmas to spend time with the whole family. Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jimmy and Francis. They are all much different than Scout and Jem because they are very boring and they do not like to play. Unlike Scout and Jem who are up for anything exciting.

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Scout spends Christmas at Finch's Landing, the home of his aunt, Alexandra Finch.

What grade are Jem and Scout in?

Jem is in the sixth grade and Scout is in the first grade at the beginning of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

in to kill a mockingbird what nickname does Jem call Scout?

Jem calls Scout, Scout... Scout is the nickname. Scout's real name is Jean Louise Finch