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Yahiko was an orphan along time ago and a guy named Danzo assassinated him and the team that he was in (PLEASE DONT ASK ME ABOUT WHAT TEAM HE WAS IN!) and his friend Nagato,a guy from his team took his body and re-incarnated it to be Pain...


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Yahiko is neither Pein nor Jugo. He is a separate character in the Naruto series, known as the original leader of the Akatsuki before Nagato took over. Pein is the alias used by Nagato, while Jugo is a member of Sasuke Uchiha's group.

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Is Pein really Nagato or Yahiko?

Pein is really Nagato. But, he appears in Yahiko's body as one of the six paths of pain at most Akatsuki meetings.

Is the fourth Hokage pein?

No. Pein is Nagato using Yahiko's Body. Minato was the forth hokage.. The fourth hokage is naruto's father

Will pein or kabuto be ressurected?

Pain or Pein has been resurrected in Nagato, but Yahiko (the Deva Path or Tendo of Pein) has not. Kabuto is still alive, and is in fact the one doing the resurrecting.

How does Jaraiya know Konan?

Konan used to be Jariya's student long with Pain( Nagoto) and Yahiko.Konan, Pein, and yahiko were Jiraya's students. Jiraya left them. They were orphans at the rain village. Pein and Konan used to be good until yahiko died. Pein went crazy afterwards and Konan followed.

Is pein naguto?

No, Nagato CONTROLS the peins. The one that Naruto fought, his name is Yahiko.

Who Does Konan love?

Konan love Nagato(also known as Pain or Pein)

What is pein's real name?

Pein's real name is Uzumaki Nagato. Unless you mean the Deva Path (the one that can push and pull things) then his name was Yahiko.

Is Pein related to Konan and what is Peins past?

Pein and Konan aren't family (blood) related. But when they were kids, Konana, Yahiko, and Nagato (which is now Pein, but looks like Yahiko) were all orphans from the wars. And they meet Jiraya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru when they were younger, and Jiraya stayed behind to watch them, and teach them. Jiraya eventually left, thinking mabe Nagato was 'the choosen one' (but its actually Naruto), but found out later that the 3 of them died, which isnt/wasnt true, because only Yahiko died. Nagato took Yahiko's body, just like all of the other 6 were dead already when he took them, and called bimself 'Pein'.

Who s the real pein?

the real pain is nagato because it is him who has the rinnegan they showed him in the manga when he was yonng he was a student of jiraiye along with konan and yahiko. but in the book it shows yahiko drains most of nagatos rinnengan power and calls himself pein because he feels others pain

Did konan like pein when they were little?

If you mean Pein as in Yahiko (Deva Pein's body) then yes. In the manga chapters so far, there is solid evidence that she liked him, and he probably liked her, too, since there was an almost-kiss scene.

Why was Pein so wounded?

Because when Pein (Nagato) was little his parents were killed, which resulted in him awakening his Rinnegan and killing the two Konoha ninjas that killed his parents. He was very alone in the world until he met a dog named Chibi (meaning 'Tiny' in Japanese) and not much longer after he met Yahiko and Konan, his dog Chibi died. Another reason Pein might have been wounded was because once Jiraiya had completed training them, he left them. Another wound for Pein was when Hanzo, the leader of Amegakure, claiming to want to discuss peace, Hanzō lured Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan to an ambush. There he forced Nagato to choose between killing Yahiko or Konan. Not wanting to force Nagato to make the choice, Yahiko impaled himself with a kunai that was placed in Nagato's hand. With Yahiko's dying breath, he told Nagato to survive, because he believed in Jiraiya's words that Nagato would become the world's savior. That is why Pein was so wounded.

Who is the founder of akatsuki?

Konan claims that Yahiko created Akatsuki, but Tobi claims he helped