No, "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio is classified as a work of realistic fiction. It tells the story of a young boy with a facial deformity navigating the challenges of middle school. While the plot and characters are fictional, the themes and emotions portrayed in the book are realistic and relatable to readers.
A book that is fiction, but can happen in real life is a realistic fiction book.
"Wonder" is actually a realistic fiction novel written by R.J. Palacio. It tells the story of a young boy with a facial deformity as he navigates the challenges of fitting in at a new school.
Yes, it is a realistic fiction book.
Realistic fiction or fiction
Yes, Ivy Ruckman's Night of the Twistersis a realistic fiction novel.
no its just a fiction story
No. Its Not Fiction it is fake.
No, it's realistic fiction.
realistic fiction