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Novelizations often follow films- probably there is one out on this twist of the Titanic saga.

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5mo ago

Yes, there is a novelization of the movie "Titanic" that expands on the story of Jack and Rose. It provides additional context and details not included in the film.

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Q: Is there a novel written about the story of jack and rose in titanic?
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Did jack of the titanic exist?

No... The love story was made up...

Is there a book based on the characters Jack and Rose from the Titanic movie?

There is no official novel based on the characters from the Titanic movie. However, there are a few fanfics that can be found online. There are some novels based on fictional accounts of the Titanic. Raise the Titanic by Clive Cussler is a best-selling example. However, it is more of an adventure novel than the romance you may be looking for. A romance based on the Titanic story is Titanic: The Long Night by Diane Hoh. It is not based on Jack and Rose, but it has received high ratings on sites like Amazon. See the related links below to help get you started.

Was jack in the Titanic a ghost?

Because there was no jack. The movies love story was fictional

Was the Titanic love story real?

No. Jack and Rose are fictional characters.

Jack Dawson off of Titanic is still alive?

Jack Dawson was a fictional character in the movie "Titanic". Though many other characters were in fact based on true passengers that sailed on Titanic at the time, the characters involved in the Rose-Jack love story are complete fiction invented for the movie.

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the characters from "titanic" in your case, " jack and rose" are not in the true story. the true story is that a ship " titanic" crashed and broke. but it wouldn't be fascinating or i guess "cooler" than the one with romance in it. so ya, jack and rose arent real in the real story

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Jack Carter has written: 'The Lubenham story'

What was the love story of the Titanic rose really live the jack in love?

Yes they were really in love

Was Jack on the Titanic in 1912?

Jack Thayer was on the titanic in 1912.

What year did rose die from the Titanic?

Rose was a character in the story and never existed but in the mind of the writer of the story. The only thing true about the movie was the fact that the Titanic hit an iceburg and sank killing people on the ship. The rest of the story was fictional.

Was there a rose and Jack in Titanic?

yes there where a rose and jack on Titanic

Is jack and rose really go on titanic?

jack and rose were not on the real titanic.