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I am not able to provide real-time search for specific fanfiction stories. You may want to search on fanfiction platforms such as Archive of Our Own or using relevant keywords like "Angel," "Conner," and "vampire" to see if there are any stories that fit your criteria.

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Q: Is there a fanfiction where angel turns conner into a vampire?
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Is Alec a vampire in city of bones?

no he never turns into a vampire

How Rosalie turns as a vampire?

She is beaten to near-death by her drunken fiance and his friends. Carlisle finds her and turns her into a vampire.

Will Bella be a vampire?

In Breaking Dawn, Edward turns Bella into a vampire.

When will Bella be turned into a vampire?

in breaking dawn edward turns her into a vampire

What is vampirism?

When a person turns into vampire.

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she doesn't turn into a vampire in eclipse she turns in to a vampire in Breaking Dawn when Reenesme is being born and she is breaking Bella's spine.

Who turns Elena into a vampire in the vampire dairies?

Because Elene exchanged blood with Stephan and Damon, she the get's killed by Katherine (in a storm, drowning in a car). But because of the vampire blood in her body she turns into a vampire. So the change to vampire was an accident.

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Yes Kaname turns her into a vampire and Zero is mad.

How does belly swan turns into a vampire?

By being bitten by another Vampire, of course.

Does Bella turn to a vampire or die?

she turns into a vampire in breaking dawn after she has the baby

What episode does Buffy and spike kiss?

They first kiss under magical influence in "Something Blue" Then again she kisses him for not telling Glory that Dawn is the Key. THEN the musical episode at the end but she does say/sing that "this isn't real but I just want to feel" before kissing him even in that scene. Original answer: Buffy and Spike first kiss at the end of the episode 'Once More With Feeling'. Their relationship from there is complicated and kind of messed up.

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she turns into a vampire