No. this is only a friction story by the author, but, i don't thnk so if it was happened
to others that the author knows. But i think so, this is not true. it is just a story that can read and we can imagine. because the author is did the good job before in making these story. this is very touching story i swear.
no shes dating me no shes dating me
maybe you need to ask in more detail... alot of "shes" are dating.... maybe you need to ask in more detail... alot of "shes" are dating....
no shes dating cayden
shes officially dating terrence jenkins..
Well shes not dating Bret Micheals.
yes it means shes totally interested in u.. shes sharing her private life with you.. so u must mean summit to her yes it means shes totally interested in u.. shes sharing her private life with you.. so u must mean summit to her
haha dude your 12 chillax on the girls live life for a bit. but if you really want to get with her just ask her if shes taken then ask her out if shes not
shes engaged
no shes not why do you think that
No, shes not.
no way shes 20 and fyi shes dating Taylor latner
Sarah Thompson shes the cutest:)