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It IS appropriate to use the passive voice in the sentence, The crowd was allowed into the bookstore starting at midnight for the release party.

Reason: It doesn't matter who "allowed".

However, if it mattered who allowed the crowd into the bookstore, it would need active voice. For example:

A salesclerk allowed the crowd into the bookstore starting at midnight for the release party. The next day, the manager fired the clerk because she had no authority to let the crowd in before the 1:00 a.m. release party.

OR another active:

The store owner allowed the crowd into the bookstore starting at midnight for the release party.

NOTE 1: The word "by" is often a clue to a passive sentence, along with helping verbs of the "be" variety (is, was, were, has, have, had, etc.).

NOTE 2: When you create active sentences, it makes sentences shorter--a good thing! So always try to put the actor FIRST, with an active verb.

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3mo ago

Yes, it is appropriate to use the passive voice in this sentence. It emphasizes the action of allowing the crowd into the bookstore without specifying who allowed them in, shifting the focus onto the crowd's action of entering.

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Q: Is it appropriate to use the passive voice and why in the sentence The crowd was allowed into the bookstore starting at midnight for the release party?
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