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Poe's narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" is an unreliable narrator. He claims to be completely sane but his erratic behavior and obsession with the old man's eye suggest otherwise. His irrational decision to murder the old man because of his eye color and his eventual confession due to imaginary noises demonstrate his lack of credibility.

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Q: Is Poe's narrator an example of a reliable or an unreliable narrator Give evidence from the story to prove your point?
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Unreliable narrator. The usual example of this is 'The Cask of Amontillado' by Edgar Alan Poe, wherein the narrator Montresor is progressively seen as been mad rather than credible.

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What I did on apex is "Guilty criminal." 🌚 and I got it right

Is the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart reliable or unreliable?

The narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" is considered unreliable due to their erratic behavior, paranoia, and obsession with the old man's eye. Their distorted perspective and actions raise doubts about the accuracy of events as they unfold in the story.

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to make a story more interesting (apex)

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Seeing events from the narrator's point of view limits understanding because the narrator's perspective could be biased or unreliable. For example, the narrator's emotions, experiences, or beliefs might color their interpretation of events, leading to a skewed portrayal. This can be seen in the text when the narrator's personal opinions intrude on the description of events, clouding the reader's perception of the truth.

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An example of the intrusive narrator in Jane Eyre is when the narrator interrupts the story to directly address the reader, such as in the opening lines of the novel. The narrator can be considered reliable as their perspective on events is consistent throughout the story. The intrusiveness of the narrator creates a more intimate relationship with the reader, as if the narrator is sharing their thoughts and feelings directly with us.

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A narrator who is omniscient, all-knowing, and reliable is often referred to as a reliable third-person omniscient narrator. This type of narrator has insight into the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story and can provide a comprehensive and trustworthy account of events.

What is the advantages of having written records of the past?

it is full of reliable historical facts but there are disadvantages aswell for example the dates may be false, it could be a biased piece or it may be unreliable

How would you prepare the students to handle the unreliable and unscholarly materials found in the Internet?

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