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when jem was 13, his arm was broken at the elbow, jem loves football, jem and scout disagreed about what first began the string of events that led up to jem's arm being broken jem thinks it was the summer they met dill dill gave them the idea to make boo radley come out jem is 4 years older than scout scout thinks the ewells started it all.

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5mo ago

In the first two paragraphs of "To Kill a Mockingbird," the narrator, Scout Finch, introduces her brother Jem, their father Atticus Finch, their cook Calpurnia, and the town of Maycomb, Alabama. Scout also mentions that Jem broke his arm when he was nearly thirteen and that the events leading up to it began with the summer that Dill, a boy visiting his aunt in Maycomb, came to town.

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