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there are two bits in which they pass the door

the first one is when hyde tramples on the child

the second one is when enfield and utterson figure out hydes house is actually the back of jekylls house

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Enfield tells Utterson the story of how he witnessed Mr. Hyde trample a young girl in the street and then disappear into the door of Dr. Jekyll's house. This incident serves as the first indication to the characters in the book of the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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Q: In the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde what story does Enfierld tell when he and Utterson pass the door?
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Utterson is obsessed with the image of Hyde because it resonates with his own fears and curiosity about the mysterious figure. The story adds to the intrigue of Hyde as a sinister and troubling character, sparking Utterson's sense of duty as a lawyer to investigate further. This obsession reflects Utterson's deep concern for his friend Dr. Jekyll and a desire to understand the connection between Jekyll and Hyde.

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Utterson first encountered the name Mr. Hyde in Dr. Jekyll's will, where Jekyll left everything to Hyde in case of his disappearance.

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Utterson was worried about Jekyll's will because it named Edward Hyde as the sole beneficiary, which seemed suspicious given Hyde's questionable character. Utterson was concerned that Jekyll might be under duress or influence from Hyde when creating the will.

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Utterson perceives the relationship between Jekyll and Hyde with suspicion and concern, viewing Hyde as a dangerous and malevolent influence on Jekyll. He is troubled by Jekyll's association with Hyde and tries to uncover the truth behind their connection to protect his friend. Utterson sees Hyde as a corrupting force who is leading Jekyll down a dark path.

In what story does Enfield tell when he and Utterson pass the door?

In "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", Enfield tells when he and Utterson pass the door.

Who narrates the book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The book "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is narrated by Mr. Utterson, a lawyer and friend of Dr. Jekyll. Throughout the novel, Mr. Utterson investigates the mysterious and disturbing behavior of Mr. Hyde, leading to the unraveling of the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Why does utterson wish to meet hyde?

Utterson wishes to meet Hyde because he is suspicious of Hyde's connection to his friend Dr. Jekyll and wants to investigate further into Hyde's character and background. Utterson is also concerned about Jekyll's sudden change in behavior and appearance since he started associating with Hyde.

Does utterson die?

No, Mr. Utterson does not die in "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." He is a central character who serves as a lawyer and friend to Dr. Jekyll, playing a significant role in the story's unfolding.

What word torments Mr Utterson in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The word tormenting Mr. Utterson in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is "hypocrite," which is written in Dr. Jekyll's will, causing Utterson to struggle with understanding the dual nature of human beings.

What is Mr Utterson's role in the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

Mr. Utterson is a lawyer and a close friend of Dr. Jekyll. Throughout the story, he serves as a key investigator trying to unravel the mystery surrounding Mr. Hyde and the connection to Dr. Jekyll. Utterson's determination and loyalty drive him to uncover the truth even at great personal risk.

Why does Utterson fear for Jekyll's life?

Utterson fears for Jekyll's life because he notices a change in Jekyll's behavior and appearance, connecting it to the sinister Mr. Hyde. He is concerned about the influence Hyde has over Jekyll and worries that Jekyll may be in danger due to his association with him.

Why does Jekyll want Utterson to have the letter?

Jekyll wants Utterson to have the letter as a form of insurance, to ensure that if anything happens to him, Utterson will be able to understand the truth about Hyde and Jekyll's relationship and take appropriate actions.