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In the beginning scene of the play "Macbeth," three witches gather to discuss their future plans.

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Q: In the beginning scene of the play macbetjhhow many witches gather to discuss their future plans?
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In the beginning scene of the play how many witches gather to discuss their future plans Macbeth?

In the beginning scene of Macbeth, three witches gather to discuss their future plans, including meeting Macbeth.

In the beginning scene of the play how many witches gather to discuss their future plans in Macbeth?

There are three witches.

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will discuss.You will Discuss the future tense.

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Hecate was angry at the three witches who were predicting the future of Macbeth

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No, because the witches were only watching him Macbeth never noticed them until the meet with him and then they vanish that when they realize that they are witches and their future telling are correct.

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Would being able to see into the future make you a witch?

Precognitives are not necessarily witches. The ability to "see" the future happens to people all over the world in all walks of life. Some Witches have the ability, other use different forms for scrying (seeing the future). Scry is just one of many things witches do.

Do the witches control Macbeth future or does he?

While the witches' prophecies may influence Macbeth's decisions, ultimately it is Macbeth himself who chooses to act on those prophecies. His ambition and willingness to pursue power lead him to take actions that shape his future.

What does Banquo ask of the witches?

Banquo asks the witches to give him a glimpse into his future and that of his descendants, seeking to know if his royal lineage will continue.

How would Shakespeare's audiences have reacted to the witches?

They thought witches were real in his time, so they were a natural predictor for telling the future in his plays.

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