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because mrs dubose is addicted to her pain medicine and she is dying so she doesnt want to die addicted to something so every day when jem is reading she waits a little longer to take it until she is finally off of the medicine and she dies a month later
Atticus says later in the novel, after Mrs Dubose dies, that "she was one of the bravest people he knew". I think that Atticus knew that Mrs Dubose was a) addicted to her morphine that she used as a painkiller and b) dying.

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5mo ago

Atticus believes in teaching his children empathy and compassion, even towards those who may not treat them kindly. By encouraging Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose, Atticus is teaching his children the value of understanding others' perspectives and practicing kindness and respect, even in difficult situations. It also helps Jem learn to control his temper and respond with patience and understanding.

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10y ago

The real reason that Jem reads to Mrs Dubose is that Atticus makes him, as punishment for ruining her flower garden. The real reason that she wants to have someone read to her is as a distraction to help her break her addiction to morphine.

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10y ago

Jem is being punished for ruining Mrs. Dubose's flowers, and Mrs. Dubose wants a distraction so that she can break her addiction to morphine.

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Q: In To Kill a Mockingbird why is Atticus so insistent about Jem's and Scout's being polite to Mrs Dubose and Jem's reading to her?
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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem uses Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellia plants as a means of retaliation after Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus. This act ultimately leads to Jem reading to Mrs. Dubose as a punishment.

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Yes, Mrs. Dubose dies free of morphine addiction in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". Before her death, she was able to wean herself off the drug with Atticus's help, demonstrating strength and determination in overcoming her addiction.

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This line is from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It is spoken by Atticus Finch to Mrs. Dubose when he is escorting his children, Scout and Jem, past her house.

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Atticus treats Ms. Dubose with respect and kindness, despite her unpleasant demeanor. He visits her regularly and guides his children to see the strength in her battle with addiction. Atticus shows empathy towards Ms. Dubose, understanding the struggles she faces.

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Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose wanted to give him something to remember her by, which shows her attempt to make amends for her past behavior before she passed away. The gift of the single camellia flower symbolizes Mrs. Dubose's final act of kindness and courage.

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Atticus said to Mrs. Dubose, "I missed you today."

Which flowers does Jem attack?

Jem attacks Mrs. Dubose's camellias in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." He destroys the flowers after Mrs. Dubose insults his father, Atticus. Jem later learns the reason behind Mrs. Dubose's behavior and the significance of his actions.

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What does Atticus mean when he states that Mrs Dubose is a model of courage in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee?

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How does the reading session end in To Kill a Mockingbird?

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