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Orson Wells.

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The radio drama reading of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds in 1938 was narrated by Orson Welles. his realistic portrayal of a Martian invasion led some listeners to believe that it was a real news broadcast, causing panic in some parts of the United States.

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Q: In 1938 a radio drama reading of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds was alleged to have caused a mass panic of a feared invasion from Mars. The narrator was?
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What is the narrator's job in War of the Worlds?

The narrator in War of the Worlds is a writer and journalist who witnesses and reports on the Martian invasion of Earth. Throughout the story, the narrator provides a firsthand account of the events unfolding during the invasion.

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The woman in the novel "War of the Worlds" is named Carrie. She is one of the few characters who help the protagonist, the narrator, during the invasion of Earth by Martians.

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The narrator is an scientific journalist from Woking. His name is never given.

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The radio play Invasion from Mars is based on what novel?

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Who narrated the the War of the Worlds?

In the 2005 film : Morgan Freeman was the narrator .

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