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George was a small and quick, dark of face with restless eyes and sharp strong features. George is described by being small, he has strong hands, slender arms, a thin bony nose. Lennie is a huge man,his face is shapeless, with large pale eyes and wide sloping shoulders. He walked dragging his feet and his arms hung loosely.

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13y ago
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6mo ago

Lennie is a large, strong man with a childlike demeanor and limited mental capacity. He has a lumbering gait and a tendency to handle things too roughly due to his strength. George is a small, wiry man with sharp features and quick movements. He is often described as smart and authoritative, taking care of Lennie and making decisions for both of them.

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11y ago

George and Lennie are the Two anti-heroes of Steinbeck's novel "OF Mice and Men. They both had desired by the Great Depression in 1930 and live together as one. It is important to find out how much their relationship is bonded. Their desire made them to work together. Therefore George gave Lennie a mercy killing of death without quivering.

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14y ago

He is big and strong. With a soft and a bit clueless face, his features contrast.

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12y ago

George and Lennie are the 2 main characters in the book/ movie Of Mice and Men

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Q: Identify and give a physical description of Lennie and george?
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What animal would you compare George to and why from of mice and men?

George could be compared to a lion because he is protective of Lennie, much like how lions protect their pride. He takes on the role of caretaker and leader, guiding and looking out for Lennie throughout the story.

Why do you think Steinbeck introduces the men by describing their physical features highlihgting the fact that one is small and on is huge?

Steinbeck uses physical descriptions to establish the characters' personalities and dynamics. The contrast between George's small stature and Lennie's huge size sets up their relationship dynamic, with George as the caregiver and protector for Lennie. This initial description foreshadows the power dynamics and themes of friendship and loneliness that will be explored throughout the book.

In of mice and men What are ways george and Lennie are oppsites?

George and Lennie are opposites in terms of their physical appearance, with George being small and smart, while Lennie is large and mentally disabled. They also contrast in their personalities, as George is more practical and realistic, whereas Lennie is more innocent and childlike in his thinking and actions. Despite these differences, they share a strong bond and rely on each other for companionship and support.

What does Lennie receive?

Lennie receives comfort and companionship from George, who looks out for him and takes care of him like a brother. However, Lennie's mental disabilities and physical strength often lead to unintended harm and trouble.

Who did george end up traveling with Lennie?

george kills Lennie

Did Lennie and George succeed in their dream?

No, because George kills Lennie.

Why does Lennie kill George?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not kill George. George ultimately makes the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to prevent him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of others after an accidental tragedy Lennie causes. George kills Lennie out of a sense of compassion and mercy.

What is behind george's plan about having the boss see Lennie work before hearing Lennie speak?

George wants the boss to see Lennie's physical abilities before hearing him speak so that the boss is more likely to overlook Lennie's mental limitations. This way, Lennie has a better chance of getting hired and they can secure work without facing discrimination due to Lennie's intellectual disabilities.

How did Lennie and George meet?

Lennie and George met when George's aunt Clara passed away and Lennie's Aunt Clara died. George was friends with Lennie's Aunt Clara, and Lennie's Aunt Clara had asked George to look out for Lennie after she passed away. George agreed to take care of Lennie and they formed a strong bond based on mutual dependence and friendship.

How does george manipulate Lennie?

George manipulates Lennie by taking advantage of Lennie's simple-mindedness and dependence on him. He often convinces Lennie to do things or not do things by appealing to Lennie's trust in him and his desire to please George. George can be both loving and controlling towards Lennie, using their close bond to control their situation.

When the boss is talking to george about their work george speaks for himself and Lennie. What does his boss suspect is going on between george and Lennie?

The boss suspects that George is taking advantage of Lennie by making decisions for him and speaking on his behalf. He questions the nature of their relationship and whether George is exploiting Lennie in some way.

How does george meet Lennie in the book 'Of Mice and Men'?

George and Lennie first met when Lennie's Aunt Clara asked George to take care of him after she passed away. George and Lennie have been traveling and working together ever since.