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Ok make up a spell its more powerful, get a necklace go in the bath say your spell ten times never wear your necklace out of water but always wear it when you get wet if you don't the spell will not work it takes about a week to be done.

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Q: I really want to become a mermaid so are there any spells that will make you have a tail right away so that when I touch water I have a tail and then when I get out of the water I have my legs back?
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How do you becme a mermaid?

You can not become a mermaid as its a birth right all mermaids are eveloutions of fish.

What is the right spell to turn a human he or she into a mermaid only if you touch salty water and has a type of special power?

There are no spells to turn humans into mermaids or anything else. Mermaids and spells are things of fiction and nothing more.

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With stinger on the left and twinkletail on the right.

Tell you right now how do you become a mermaid im not kiding?

go to the hospital tell the doctor you want a mermaid tail and there you go and when your surgery is done you have a tail and an easier way is to sing a spell very softly that's what i did. :)

How do you become a mermaid now like right now?

Becoming a mermaid is a myth and not possible in real life. It is a popular theme in folklore and fiction, but it is not achievable in reality. If you are curious about mermaids, you can explore stories, movies, and art that feature them.

How can I become a wizard like with spells and wands and all that?

You know that's a stupid question right? You cant Well.. you could... IN URE MIND! lol :) x

Where can you buy a mermaid?

You can buy mermaid toays and dolls at a toay store or order them on line. You cannot buy a real mermaid as they do not exist. Even if they did, it would not be right.

What are the spells on nicktropolis?

The spells are for Tak and you have to put them in the right place in back of the barnyard there is pranks that you could fool your friends

What is A Mermaid In A Property of The Phoenix?

it is them connected together. did i get that right?

Can a girl transform into a mermaid?

Last Answer: No. Humans can not change shape or become something else like mermaids. Mermaids are not real and only are alive in books, games, art, and TV shows. People can not become mermaids. My Answer: Obviously, this person doesn't have any imagination. Of course, he is partly right. BUT. There is such a thing as making a mermaid tail out of swimming suit material. if you look up "how to make a mermaid tail" on youtube (without the quotations, of course) and click on the one that says "How to make a mermaid tail" by Burnouthappy (who introduces herself in the video as Sasha), she'll tell you how to make a mermaid tail out of dancing/swimming suit material. it's pretty close to transforming into a mermaid, right? I would recommend learning how to swim before you make your tail, though. it's sort of dangerous, because your legs are tied together, and you can only move them by swimming the dolphin swim. have fun!

How do you use spells on diablo 2 lord of destruction?

you can assign the spells to left click and right click. you have to select the icon next to the health or the mana orbs. then it will give you a selection of the spells you currently have.

On runescape how do you get to use ancient spells?

You will only have acess to ancient spell by completing the "Desert Treasure" quest, buy doing this quest is a challenge as well, it includes a series of boss fights and a puzzle right at the end which can become really frustrating. In other words it tests your abilities to see if your worthy of such power.