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Diana and Mary were Jane Eyre's cousins. They were the daughters of Jane's aunt, Mrs. Reed's brother. They provided Jane with support and companionship during her time at Lowood School and later in her life at Moor House.

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Q: How were Diana and Mary related in Jane Erye?
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How were Diana and Mary related?


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How is Jane Eyre related to the Rivers?

In "Jane Eyre," Jane learns that the Rivers siblings, St. John, Diana, and Mary, are her cousins. They are related through their shared uncle, John Eyre, who bequeaths his fortune to Jane. This connection ultimately plays a role in Jane's inheritance and independence.

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In "Jane Eyre," St. John Rivers has two sisters: Diana and Mary. They are all well-educated and morally upright characters who play significant roles in the story.

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Jane Eyre's cousins were Georgiana Reed and Eliza Reed.

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Mary Jane Jordan's birth name is King, Mary Jane.

Where was St. John living when he took Jane in?

Moor House.

How do you spell Mary Jane in tagalog?

"Mary Jane" in Tagalog is spelled as "M e r i H a n".