LocoRoco happened in 2006.
LocoRoco Cocoreccho happened in 2007.
LocoRoco was created on 2006-06-23.
LocoRoco Cocoreccho was created on 2007-09-20.
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival happened in 2009.
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival was created on 2009-10-29.
Oh god, yes.
Patapon and Locoroco, as always.
up, down ,square, triangle,
The language that LocoRocos speak is Japanese or something....
LocoRoco is a video game made for the PlayStation Portable in 2006. It is a single-player puzzle game that was developed by Japan Studio and designed by Tsutomu Konuo and Keigo Tsuchiya.