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The author felt that "Dusk" (the title of the story) reflected the hour of the defeated. It were the persons defeated in the struggle of life who came forth at this time; a time when they - and their lack of fortune - would go unnoticed by other members of the public. These persons the author describes as "wanderers", because like the wandering planets they could only be seen at twilight. Gortsby also considered himself to be among the defeated; not that monetary problems bothered him, but that his ambition and self respect had failed him. Says the poet:

A king (that is) conquered must see strange looks

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5mo ago

"Dusk as an hour of the defeated" in the story "Dusk" by Saki represents a time of vulnerability and introspection for the characters, especially the main character, Norman Gortsby. During dusk, individuals may feel a sense of loneliness or melancholy as the day comes to a close, prompting them to reflect on their inadequacies or failures. This sentiment is highlighted in the story as Gortsby contemplates his own disappointments while observing others around him.

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if u mean dusk like a dusk ball yes cuz the dusk ball works better at dusk-or night as u may no it as- or in dark caves. if u mean like a dusk stone no u can use it anytime of day the stone is just the color of the night sky they say

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