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Madame Loisel's character in "The Necklace" represents more than just a woman's vanity. She also embodies the consequences of pride, envy, and the desire for social status. Her relentless pursuit of appearance and material possessions ultimately leads to her downfall, highlighting broader themes of societal judgment and the emptiness of shallow desires.

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Q: How far do you think madame loisel represent woman only vanity?
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How much do you think Madame Loisel has changed by the time the story end?

a lot because she has learned from her mistakes

How much do you think Madame Loisel changed by the time the story ends?

a lot because she has learned from her mistakes

What is the Direct Characterization for Madame Loisel in The Necklace by guy de maupassant?

I think Madame Loisel was very bipolar in the story. She was very selfish and she cared about the luxuries and finery jewelery. She wouldn't appreciate what she has and expected more. i think madame forestier was very unkind because she didnt give back the necklace to Loisel even after working off the debt for 10 years.

Do you think Mme Loisel recognized good quality jewelry?

Yes Mme Loisel recognized good quality jewelry

Describe mr loisel's character in story necklace?

Madame Loisel in 'The Necklace' has been portrayed as a beautiful woman who is always longing to have fine and extravagant things. Her husband, Mister Loisel can not afford all her vain wants and so she doesn't think much of him. Even though they are not rich, they have a comfortable life, but Madame Loisel is not appreciative of it. She is full of complain and whines in want for more. Her greed is her weakness.

O you think Mme Loisel recognized good quality jewelry?


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Yes, I think he was

Is it true that Maupassant obviously wants the reader to think Mathilde is a very bad person with no redeeming qualities?

False Not entirely. Mme. Loisel has the good quality that she is willing to live in poverty for ten years in order to replace the necklace she lost. Nevertheless, this good quality is only brought out by her bad qualities of vanity, pride, and dishonesty.

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i think he was only in BOTDF

Was Dahvie Vanity ever in a movie?

i dont think so

Why do people think they are better than other people?

Hubris and vanity.

Who are the antagonist in the necklace?

In "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, the antagonist can be seen as Mathilde's own greed, vanity, and desire for social status. The necklace itself also serves as a symbol of these negative qualities as it leads to the downfall of the main characters.