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He acts very gentleman like, and is very respectful.

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Heck Tate, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell. Do your homework, kids.

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Q: How does tom robinson's testimony hurt his case?
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Atticus' witnesses in the trial of Tom Robinson were Sheriff Heck Tate, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, Tom Robinson, and Atticus himself. Each witness provided their testimony to support their side of the case.

What does tom robinsons presence on the stand say about him as a character?

Tom Robinson's presence on the stand indicates his courage and integrity as a character. Despite facing intense scrutiny and discrimination, he remains composed and truthful in his testimony, showing his willingness to stand up against injustice and speak the truth even in the face of adversity. His presence highlights his strength of character and loyalty to his own principles.

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No, not at all; instead, Atticus fears the racism in town will prevent justice. He rests on his principles and beliefs in right and wrong. He uses logic, and trusting Tom when Tom insists on lines of questioning. He hopes for a not guilty verdict... but he could not be certain of it happening even though he believed Tom.

Why does Atticus attempt to establish through bob ewlls testimony?

Atticus attempts to establish through Bob Ewell's testimony that Tom Robinson is innocent by exposing inconsistencies and lies in Bob's story. By showing the jury that Bob's account cannot be trusted, Atticus hopes to cast doubt on the prosecution's case and demonstrate Tom's innocence.