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This sounds like the sort of homework question that required you to read a specific story first. Time and place can strengthen the theme by echoing it or reinforcing it - but I can't tell you how that particular story did it because I don't know what story you were supposed to read.

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3mo ago

The author can use specific time periods or locations to create atmosphere and set the tone for the story. By selecting a certain time and place, the author can highlight key themes or messages by grounding them in a particular context. This can help to immerse the reader in the world of the story and make the themes more relevant and impactful.

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Q: How does the author use time and place to strengthen the message or theme of the story?
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How do you find the heart of the story?

The "heart" of a story is the theme, or the message that the author is trying to convey. A short story or poem will usually have one theme, while a book may have several themes.The theme, or heart of the story is not the same thing as the plot. The plot is what happens in the story - the theme is what message you should take away from the story.Here are some things you can do to find the heart of the story: The heart of the story is the lesson that the author offers or what the author wants you to take away from the reading experience.Look at the title - sometimes the author will give you a clue to what message he is trying to convey by giving the story a telling title.Look for repetitions - are there any symbols or patterns that the author repeats? These will give you a clue about the theme.Look for allusions -Look for details and ask yourself "What message is the author trying to send by including this detail or fact?"Look at the main character - is this character someone with whom the author wants you to identify, or are you supposed to dislike the character? Is the author sending you a message by the way the character acts?Look at the conflict - often, the things that oppose the characters are the author's way of getting a point across.Look for generalizations - try to generalize from the actual events of the story to broader topics.It is a matter of identifying patterns.

How do you do a heart of a story?

The "heart" of a story is the theme, or the message that the author is trying to convey. A short story or poem will usually have one theme, while a book may have several themes.The theme, or heart of the story is not the same thing as the plot. The plot is what happens in the story - the theme is what message you should take away from the story.Here are some things you can do to find the heart of the story: The heart of the story is the lesson that the author offers or what the author wants you to take away from the reading experience.Look at the title - sometimes the author will give you a clue to what message he is trying to convey by giving the story a telling title.Look for repetitions - are there any symbols or patterns that the author repeats? These will give you a clue about the theme.Look for allusions -Look for details and ask yourself "What message is the author trying to send by including this detail or fact?"Look at the main character - is this character someone with whom the author wants you to identify, or are you supposed to dislike the character? Is the author sending you a message by the way the character acts?Look at the conflict - often, the things that oppose the characters are the author's way of getting a point across.Look for generalizations - try to generalize from the actual events of the story to broader topics.It is a matter of identifying patterns.