Jordan, though she associates with the people of East Egg, goes to Gatsby's parties.
Jordan Baker :~)
Nick has a short affair with Jordan Baker in "The Great Gatsby." Jordan is a professional golfer and a friend of Daisy Buchanan.
Jordan Baker.
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker, and of course Tom Buchanan.
In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby is driving his car with Daisy in the passenger seat. Tom Buchanan is driving his coupe with Jordan Baker and Nick Carraway as passengers. Daisy is not comfortable with Gatsby's reckless driving, foreshadowing the tragic events that occur later in the story.
Jordan Baker is the one who passes out at Daisy and Tom's wedding in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby."
In "The Great Gatsby," at the hotel, Gatsby and Tom Buchanan have highballs, which is a cocktail made with whiskey and soda. Jordan Baker drinks champagne, and Daisy Buchanan opts for a mint julep cocktail.
Jordan Baker's lies reveal that she is a dishonest person. She even cheats at golf!
Sigourney Weaver does not appear in "The Great Gatsby." The main characters in "The Great Gatsby" are Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Nick Carraway.
There isn't a character in the Great Gatsby named Jordan Wilson. There are characters who are named Jordan Baker and Myrtle Wilson though.
Jay Gatsby is lonely in The Great Gatsby because he longs for Daisy Buchanan, who represents his unreachable dream. Nick Carraway, the narrator, is not as alienated from others because he is more grounded and realistic, making genuine connections with people like Gatsby and Jordan Baker.