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Montresor tells Fortunato that there is rare wine in the Catacomb and having much self pride, Fortunato needs to sample it for himself. (Fortunato tastes/reviews wine for a living)

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5mo ago

Montresor lures Fortunato further into the catacombs by appealing to Fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur, offering him the chance to taste a rare vintage Amontillado. He plays on Fortunato's vanity and ego, knowing that Fortunato will not resist the opportunity to prove his expertise and superiority.

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Q: How does Montresor lure Fortunato farther into the catacombs?
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What does Montresor give Fortunato for his bad cough in The Cask of Amontillado?

Montresor gives Fortunato a bottle of wine, specifically Amontillado, to help with his cough. However, this is a ploy to lure Fortunato into the catacombs where he plans to enact his revenge.

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Montresor wants to gain Fortunato's trust so that he can lure him into the catacombs and exact his revenge for the perceived insult he believes Fortunato has committed against him. By pretending to be a concerned friend, Montresor is able to manipulate Fortunato into following him to his demise.

In The Cask of Amontillado how does Montressor lure Fortunato farther and farther into the catacombs?

Montresor appeals to Fortunato's pride and vanity as a connoisseur of wines when he tells Fortunato that he has what might be a rare wine known as an Amontillado. He tells Fortunato that he will ask another person, Luchesi, to advise him if the wine is a genuine Amontillado. Fortunato's vanity makes him insist that he, rather than Luchesi, be the one to do the testing because he is a much better judge of wine than is Luchesi.

With whom does Montresor have a conflict in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Montresor has a conflict with Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado." Montresor seeks revenge against Fortunato for some unspecified insult, leading him to lure Fortunato into the catacombs with the promise of sampling a cask of rare Amontillado wine.

What is The Cask mainly about in The Cask of Amontillado?

Montresor uses the cask, or wine, as bait to lure Forunato into the catacombs. Once they are both in there, Montresor is able to murder Fortunato; in the end, there really was no cask.

How does Montresor use his acting ability to get revenge?

Montresor uses his acting ability to manipulate and deceive Fortunato by pretending to be a concerned friend, offering him wine, and appearing friendly and trustworthy. This allows Montresor to lure Fortunato into his trap and ultimately exact his revenge.

Which best explains why Montresor asks Fortunato to notice the damp walls of the vaults?

This foreshadows the fact that Montresor is going to leave Fortunato in the vaults

What role does deceit play in montresors revenge?

Deceit plays a central role in Montresor's revenge in "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. Montresor uses deception to lure Fortunato into the catacombs under the pretense of tasting a rare wine, ultimately leading to Fortunato's demise. By manipulating Fortunato's trust and exploiting his pride, Montresor is able to carry out his vengeful plan under the guise of friendship.

What is verbal irony and how is it represented in The Cask of Amontillado?

Verbal irony is when words express something contrary to the truth. In "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor's friendly and cordial language towards Fortunato while he is leading him to his demise is an example of verbal irony. Montresor's words convey friendship and concern, yet his true intentions are deceitful and malevolent.

Why is Montresor happy to see Fortunato?

He is pretending to be friendly as part of his plot to lure Fortunato to the cellar where he plans to kill him.

Why does Montresor appear concerned about Fortunato's health in the story 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Montresor pretends to be concerned about Fortunato's health in order to manipulate him and lure him into the catacombs where he plans to enact his revenge. By showing fake concern, Montresor is able to exploit Fortunato's weakness and lead him into the trap without suspicion.

Who were the main characters in the story The Cask of Amontillado?

The main characters in "The Cask of Amontillado" are Montresor, the narrator seeking revenge, and Fortunato, the victim lured into Montresor's trap. The story revolves around Montresor's elaborate plan to exact his revenge on Fortunato for an unspecified insult.