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In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the character Macbeth describes his crown as a "fruitless crown" that he has gained by committing murder and betraying those around him. He sees it as a symbol of his empty victory, tainted by guilt and regret.

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Q: How does Macbeth describe his crown?
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In line 42 what does Lady Macbeth mean by the ornament of life?

Lady Macbeth meaning to the ornament of life can be refer to the golden opinions of line 33. It could even be refer to the crown.

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He means that he has been given a crown with essentially no meaning as Banquo's son will be the one to take over the throne, no son of Macbeth will ever continue on the crown

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In Scene 4 of "Macbeth," Malcolm is named heir to the throne, thwarting Macbeth's ambition to become king. This presents an obstacle because Macbeth now needs to find a way to eliminate Malcolm as a contender for the crown.

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Shakespeare, duhhh!

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What is Macbeth's suspicion in act 3?

In Act 3 of Macbeth, Macbeth becomes suspicious that Banquo poses a threat to his throne. He worries that Banquo's descendants will inherit the crown, as the witches prophesied. This suspicion leads Macbeth to plot Banquo's murder.

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This phrase means that if fate or luck wants you to become a king, then fate may also take away that same position from you. It emphasizes the unpredictable nature of fate and how circumstances can change unexpectedly.

What about Banquo makes Macbeth uncomfortable?

Macbeth is uncomfortable around Banquo because Banquo poses a threat to his power. Banquo knows about the prophecy that Macbeth will become king and that his descendants will inherit the throne. Macbeth also feels guilty for betraying Banquo by ordering his murder.

What literary term would describe the word Gordon in Macbeth?

The word Gordon does not appear in Macbeth or any of Shakespeare's works.

What do Macbeth's argument to persuade the murderers to kill Banquo show about the changes in Macbeth's characte?

He has become more comfortable using manipulation and murderer to retain the crown. :)your welcome

What do Macbeth’s arguments to persuade the murders to kill banquo show about the changes in Macbeth’s character?

He has become more comfortable using manipulation and murderer to retain the crown. :)your welcome