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In Act V, Scene 3, Juliet's lines echo the sentiment from the prologue by emphasizing fate and the idea that Romeo and Juliet's tragic love was predetermined. She refers to their love as "death-marked" and states that they were "star-crossed lovers," reinforcing the theme of destiny and the inevitability of their tragic end.

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Q: How does Juliet comment in act scene v lines echo the prologue?
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What the rhyme that starts Romeo and Juliet?

The first four lines of the prologue rhyme the words "dignity", "scene", "mutiny" and "unclean".

What information about the two households in presented in the prologue In what ways does Juliet and Comment in Act 1 scene vlines 137 8 echo the prologue?

In the prologue, it is mentioned that there are two households, the Capulets and the Montagues, who are enemies. In Act 1, scene 5 of "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet and Romeo's initial encounter at the Capulet party echoes the prologue by highlighting the forbidden love and tragedy that will unfold due to the feud between the two households. Juliet's line, "My only love sprung from my only hate," underscores the theme of love emerging from a place of conflict, mirroring the central conflict between the two families.

How does Juliet's comment in Act 1 scene v lines 137-138 echo the prologue?

According to my edition of the play, Juliet does not say lines 137-138. Clearly your edition must have different line numbers. Juliet's lines which surround it, and especially those which follow, deal with the themes of love and death, and love and family strife found in the Prologue. But they do not really echo it in the sense of using similar or the same phrases.

What is a example of a prologue in romeo andd Juliet and what act and scene and line is it on?

The prologues are not part of the action of the play and so belong to no act or scene. Act 1 scene one starts when the first prologue ends. Open up a copy of the play and look at the first page. The prologue starts with the words, "Two households, both alike in dignity."

Who is the first to speak?

The Prologue is the first to speak: "Two households, both alike in dignity..." If you mean which of the characters, Romeo or Juliet speaks first, it is Romeo in Act I scene 1. Juliet does not appear until Act I scene 3

How many lines are in the prologue of shakespeare's romeo and Juliet?

Of course an easy way of determining this would be to read it - it is available free of charge at the library or under Having said that: Shakespeare wrote in iambic (2) pentameter (5) which means that virtually all of the lines in his plays, unless he wanted the scene to be odd or other worldly, have 10 (ten) syllables. This is also true of the prologue of Romeo and Juliet.

What does prologue from romeo and Juliet mean?

The prologue of "Romeo and Juliet" sets the scene by summarizing the entire play in a poetic form. It introduces the feud between the Montagues and Capulets, foreshadows the tragic fate of the young lovers Romeo and Juliet, and highlights the theme of love and conflict. The prologue serves as an introduction to the play's themes and prepares the audience for the unfolding tragedy.

What do you know about Romeo from the prologue?

In the prologue of "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo is described as a young man from the Montague family who falls in love with Juliet, a member of the rival Capulet family. The prologue sets up the main conflict of the play, which is the feud between the two families that ultimately leads to tragedy.

What is significant about the arrangement of Romeo and Juliet's first lines in Act 1?

Their first lines together, in scene 5, form a sonnet.

Who is the narrator in the first 2 acts of Romeo and Juliet?

The first two acts of Romeo and Juliet have a Prologue. The Prologue is not quite the same as a narrator, although it is someone who is a commentator on the action as opposed to an actor in it. But while a narrator tells (narrates) a story, a prologue (which comes from the Greek words meaning fore-word, or word before) sets the scene for the story before it is acted out. Prologue is not the person's name, of course. It is not a name at all, but a job description. When you call someone the janitor, it doesn't mean his name is Mr. Janitor.

What were Galadriel's first lines in The Lord of the Rings movie?

The world has changed (scene 1-prologue) (elvish: I amar prestar aen) :D

To what does romeo first compare Juliet during the balcionu scene?

"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun." (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 2-3)