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Unless you are talking about what to write in general, then check out the related link.

If you mean that you have writers block then re-read the part of your story leading up to what you are writing now and just continue from there, if your still unsure of what to write, for example, your just writing a work scene, then you don't have to write loads and loads, you could just put in pits and pieces about what the character(s) do in the day, and then you could write about their emotions to the day and how it links in with what you've written/what you want to write.

Or (if you know what your going to write after the writers-block-part then just start writing that bit and leave space for the rest of it - you could always come back to it later).

I hope that makes sense!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

You can try brainstorming ideas, taking a break to allow inspiration to come, reading other works for inspiration, or starting with a prompt to get your creativity flowing. Don't pressure yourself to come up with the perfect idea right away and remember that sometimes just starting to write can help ideas develop.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Think of a good main character and some good and bad characters. Take a walk around your block and think of where you'd like the story to take place (you can also think of other places the characters might be). Then think of what would happen before your problem. Then, think of what the problem will be. Then, you pick the solution. Now, begin to write your story. Build around the story as your character faces the problem. After you have written the whole story, and have read it and read it, think of a good title that best fits it. Usually, some people pick a title, but when they finish the story, they decide to give it another name. Who cares if your first story is lame! Keep on going and it'll be a great success!

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