aes aeris n. [copper ore , and the alloy of copper, bronze]. Transf., [anything made of bronze; a vessel, statue, Trumpet, kettle]; 'aera aere repulsa', [cymbals]; 'aes publicum', [public inscriptions]. Esp. [copper or bronze money]; 'aes grave', [the as]; 'aes signatum', [coined money]; also [money] generally, [pay]; 'aes alienum', [debt].
alienatio -onis f. [a transference , alienation]; 'mentis', [aberration of mind].
alienus -a -um [belonging to another]; 'aes' , [another's money], and so [debt]; in gen., [strange, foreign, unrelated]; esp. of persons, [not at home, unfamiliar],or [estranged, unfriendly];of things,[unfavorable]. M. as subst.
alienus, [a stranger];
n. as subst. alienum, [another person's property].
contraho -trahere -traxi -tractum (1) [to draw together , collect, unite; to conclude or complete] any arrangement; in gen., [to cause, bring on, bring about]; 'aes alienum', [to contract debt]. (2) [to shorten, narrow, contract, reduce]; 'frontem', [to frown]; 'vela', [to furl one's sails]; of the spirits, [to depress]. Hence partic. contractus -a -um, [contracted, narrowed, straitened]; of persons, [retired, quiet].
datio -onis f. [a giving]; legal , [right of alienation].
demergo -mergere -mersi -mersum [to sink , plunge into, dip under]; 'aere alieno demersus,' [over head and ears in debt].
deminutio -onis f. [lessening , diminution]; 'sui', [loss of prestige]; 'capitis', [loss of civil rights]; [right of alienation].
incido (1) -cidere -cidi -casum [to fall in or upon; to fall in with]; 'in hostem' , [to attack]; 'in aes alienum', [to run into debt]; 'in mentionem', [to happen to mention]; of abstr. things, [to occur, happen, 'crop up'].
peregrinitas -atis f. [the condition of a foreigner or alien; foreign manners].
Source: University of Notre Dame, web site.
you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin
Alien is the Latin word meaning "someone not from here", it was used to refer to foreigners
To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"
How do you say determined in Latin?
If u say it like , Alien Commander Scott.
infitialis is the word we say in latin
To say the word lightning in Latin, a person would say the word "ignis." To say thunder in Latin, the word is "tonitrua."
There are no articles in Latin. (a, the, an)
my is "mihi" in latin
legato is how you would say legacy in Latin.
"Sī placet" is how you say "please" in Latin.
non alien