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You stop believing in it.

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5mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the concept of seven years of bad luck from breaking a mirror. However, if you believe in the superstition, some common remedies include burying the broken pieces under a tree during a full moon, tossing the mirror remains into running water, or reaching out to seven friends to each break a mirror piece to share the bad luck with others.

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What does Broken Mirror mean?

A broken mirror means 7 years of bad luck, but I honsetly do NOT believe in luck. I believe that it will happen to you if you believe it. If you don't, you're fine.

7 Y B L for B a M?

7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

How many years of bad luck if you break a mirrow?

The belief that breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck originates from ancient superstitions. The idea is that the distorted reflection in a broken mirror symbolizes a distorted future ahead. It is simply a superstition and does not have any scientific basis.

Do you get bad luck for 7 years if you pinch someone who is wearing green on St. Patrick's Day?

No, if you break a mirror you will have 7 years of bad luck. If you pinch a girl, you will get your face slapped. If you pinch a guy, you will get your nose broken.

Why was it bad luck to break a mirror?

If you believe in luck you would think breaking a mirror is bad luck. But most people agree that breaking a mirror is not true. There are other crazy things that people say about bad luck. Like opening an umbrella in a house, putting your shoes on the table, walking past a black cat and walking under a ladder is all bad luck. These are all myths. And not many people believe in all of this. So no, it is not true that breaking a mirror is bad luck.

Is it bad luck to break a mirror?

It's just a superstition. It doesn't mean anything.(See the related links section for origins of this legend, as well as ways to "counteract" the bad luck.)

Why will you have a bad luck for 7 years if you break a mirror?


Just broke a mirror is there anyway of not getting bad luck?

One way to counteract the bad luck associated with breaking a mirror is to bury the pieces under a full moon to cleanse the negative energy. Alternatively, sprinkle salt over the broken mirror pieces and leave them for a day before disposing of them to ward off bad luck. Remember, staying positive and optimistic can often help mitigate any perceived bad luck.

Is it true that when you break a mirror you have bad luck for seven years?


How many bad luck if you break a mirror?

I have always heard 7 years bad luck.

What is said to revolt from breaking a mirror?

It is said that seven years' bad luck will result from breaking a mirror.

Is touching a mirror cause bad luck?

no only breaking a mirror is bad luck(7 years) you could cut your hand and get an infection as well. if you punched it with your fist or kicked the mirror with your foot.