I don't know how to spawn them in singleplayer obviously i had the game but it broke. Try going to internet MP and if you join a server if your lucky enough the server host or host(s) may have spawned droids and clones. if so ask them poliety to to either teach you how or ask them to keep doing it.
In "Star Wars: Republic Commando," you cannot directly spawn clone troopers. The game follows Delta Squad, a group of elite clone commandos, and you play as their squad leader, Boss. Your objective is to complete various missions with your squad to defeat the enemies of the Republic. The clone troopers you encounter are part of the story and are not something you can spawn at will.
You have to get a clone script for them to spawn and then do the tutuorial for the moving part
Spawn of the Devil, they represent Hell UA
First bring down the cheat console by pressing SHIFT and ~. Then type in helpusobi 1 and press enter to activate cheats. Lastly, type in npc spawn player and you have an evil clone. be warned that it is evil and will kill you
General Cheatsrepaircar - Repair Cargoodygoody - No Police Notorietyoops - No Gang Notorietynotrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)vroom - No Car Damagelolz - Increase Gang Notorietypissofpigs - Increase Police Notorietycheese - Give Cash ($100,000)whatitmeanstome - Give Respectfryhole - Heavenboundrunfast - Infinite Sprintgoody goody - No Cop Notorietyoops - No Gang Notoriety---Vehicle Cheatsgivemunicipal - Spawn a Municipalgivephoenix - Spawn a Phoenixgivesquasar - Spawn a Squasargivetaxi - Spawn a Taxigiveembulance - Spawn a Ambulancegiveanchor - Spawn a Anchorgiveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazionegivebootlegger - Spawn a Bootleggergivechallenger - Spawn a Challengergivecommander - Spawn a Commandergivecondor - Spawn a Condorgiveeagle - Spawn an Eaglegiveestrada - Spawn an Estradagivegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobilegivekanada - Spawn a Kanadagivekenshin - Spawn a Kenshingiveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxvillegivekobra - Spawn a Korbragivekrukov - Spawn a Krukovgivemiami - Spawn a Miamigivenforcer - Spawn an Nforcergivepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemakergivereaper - Spawn a Reaperrepaircar - Spawn a Repaircargiverpg - Spawn a RPGgivesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstormgivesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Chargegiveshark - Spawn a Sharkgivesheperd - Spawn a Sheperdgivespectre - Spawn a Spectregivestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quogivetitan - Spawn a Titangivetoad - Spawn a Toadgivetornado - Spawn a Tornadogivevortex - Spawn a Vortexgivevtol - Spawn a VTOLgivevulture - Spawn a Vulturegivewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmakergivewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker---Weapon Cheatsgivecyber - Cyberdestructorgivegrenade - Grenadegivechainsaw - Chainsawgiveminigun - Minigungivemolotov - Molotovgiveairstrike - Air Strikegivedrone - Dronegiverpg - RPGgivesatchel - Satchelgivekrukov - K-8 Krukovgiveultimax - As3 Ultimaxgivehammer - Hammergivetek - Tek Z-10giveapoca - Apocafists---Weather Cheatsclearskies- Sunny weatherovercast- Cloudy weatherlightrain- Rainy weatherheavyrain - Very stormy weather---Pedestrian Cheatsdui - Drunk pedestrianshohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutesmascot - Pedestrians become mascotsbrains - Pedestrians become Zombies
General Cheatsrepaircar - Repair Cargoodygoody - No Police Notorietyoops - No Gang Notorietynotrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)vroom - No Car Damagelolz - Increase Gang Notorietypissofpigs - Increase Police Notorietycheese - Give Cash ($100,000)whatitmeanstome - Give Respectfryhole - Heavenboundrunfast - Infinite Sprintgoody goody - No Cop Notorietyoops - No Gang Notoriety---Vehicle Cheatsgivemunicipal - Spawn a Municipalgivephoenix - Spawn a Phoenixgivesquasar - Spawn a Squasargivetaxi - Spawn a Taxigiveembulance - Spawn a Ambulancegiveanchor - Spawn a Anchorgiveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazionegivebootlegger - Spawn a Bootleggergivechallenger - Spawn a Challengergivecommander - Spawn a Commandergivecondor - Spawn a Condorgiveeagle - Spawn an Eaglegiveestrada - Spawn an Estradagivegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobilegivekanada - Spawn a Kanadagivekenshin - Spawn a Kenshingiveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxvillegivekobra - Spawn a Korbragivekrukov - Spawn a Krukovgivemiami - Spawn a Miamigivenforcer - Spawn an Nforcergivepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemakergivereaper - Spawn a Reaperrepaircar - Spawn a Repaircargiverpg - Spawn a RPGgivesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstormgivesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Chargegiveshark - Spawn a Sharkgivesheperd - Spawn a Sheperdgivespectre - Spawn a Spectregivestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quogivetitan - Spawn a Titangivetoad - Spawn a Toadgivetornado - Spawn a Tornadogivevortex - Spawn a Vortexgivevtol - Spawn a VTOLgivevulture - Spawn a Vulturegivewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmakergivewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker---Weapon Cheatsgivecyber - Cyberdestructorgivegrenade - Grenadegivechainsaw - Chainsawgiveminigun - Minigungivemolotov - Molotovgiveairstrike - Air Strikegivedrone - Dronegiverpg - RPGgivesatchel - Satchelgivekrukov - K-8 Krukovgiveultimax - As3 Ultimaxgivehammer - Hammergivetek - Tek Z-10giveapoca - Apocafists---Weather Cheatsclearskies- Sunny weatherovercast- Cloudy weatherlightrain- Rainy weatherheavyrain - Very stormy weather---Pedestrian Cheatsdui - Drunk pedestrianshohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutesmascot - Pedestrians become mascotsbrains - Pedestrians become zombies
its called the tadpole
Complete Cheat ListEnter the following cheats in the Cell Phone menu under Extras for the desired effect. Note that these disable Trophies / Achievements and saving!General Cheatsrepaircar - Repair Cargoodygoody - No Police Notorietyoops - No Gang Notorietynotrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)vroom - No Car Damagegoldengun - One-hit killslolz - Increase Gang Notorietypissofpigs - Increase Police Notorietycheese - Give Cash ($100,000)whatitmeanstome - Give Respectfryhole - Heavenboundrunfast - Infinite Sprintgoody goody - No Cop Notorietyoops - No Gang Notoriety---Vehicle Cheatsgivemunicipal - Spawn a Municipalgivephoenix - Spawn a Phoenixgivequasar - Spawn a Quasargivetaxi - Spawn a Taxigiveembulance - Spawn a Ambulancegiveanchor - Spawn a Anchorgiveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazionegivebootlegger - Spawn a Bootleggergivechallenger - Spawn a Challengergivecommander - Spawn a Commandergivecondor - Spawn a Condorgiveeagle - Spawn an Eaglegiveestrada - Spawn an Estradagivegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobilegivekanada - Spawn a Kanadagivekenshin - Spawn a Kenshingiveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxvillegivekobra - Spawn a Korbragivekrukov - Spawn a Krukovgivemiami - Spawn a Miamigivenforcer - Spawn an Nforcergivepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemakergivereaper - Spawn a Reaperrepaircar - Spawn a Repaircargiverpg - Spawn a RPGgivesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstormgivesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Chargegiveshark - Spawn a Sharkgivesheperd - Spawn a Sheperdgivespectre - Spawn a Spectregivestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quogivetitan - Spawn a Titangivetoad - Spawn a Toadgivetornado - Spawn a Tornadogivevortex - Spawn a Vortexgivevtol - Spawn a VTOLgivevulture - Spawn a Vulturegivewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmakergivewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker---Weapon Cheatsletsrock - All Weaponsgivecyber - Cyberdestructorgivegrenade - Grenadegivechainsaw - Chainsawgiveminigun - Minigungivemolotov - Molotovgiveairstrike - Air Strikegivedrone - Dronegiverpg - RPGgivesatchel - Satchelgivekrukov - K-8 Krukovgiveultimax - As3 Ultimaxgivehammer - Hammergivetek - Tek Z-10giveapoca - Apocafists---Weather Cheatsclearskies- Sunny weatherovercast- Cloudy weatherlightrain- Rainy weatherheavyrain - Very stormy weather---Pedestrian Cheatsdui - Drunk pedestrianshohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutesmascot - Pedestrians become mascotsbrains - Pedestrians become zombiesHope This Helps :) ~SyedMustafaJelani
Are u asking how to spawn witches? (well you go into creative and you look for a spawn egg and you will find a witch spawn egg) or are u asking how do they spawn? (Well they spawn at night) I hoped that helped! ~Magpie
The answer is spawn
They just naturally spawn in jungles. Unless you're in creative, where you can use an ocelot spawn egg to spawn one in.
Yes, Spawn is a superhero.
Spawn Hunter - OHDUDE Spawn Hydra - JUMPJET Spawn Stuntplane - FLYINGTOSTUNT Spawn Tanker - AMOMHRER