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One of my English professors, when I was at University, used to say that fiction is elevated truth. In other words, he was saying that fiction took facts and made them more real by telling a compelling story. Whether or not I agree with him, that's an interesting way to look at the relationship between fact and fiction. You might also think of fiction as being derived from fact. Have you heard that writers write what they know? They take the facts that the know about life and make them into fiction. But they also definitely contrast. Fiction is definitively not fact. It is an interpretation.

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5mo ago

Facts are based on objective reality, while fiction is based on imagination. They can relate by using elements of truth in fiction to create realistic or believable stories. However, it is important to distinguish between the two to avoid spreading misinformation.

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10y ago


Facts are true things, like rain is wet, snow is cold etc.

Fiction is made-up stuff, fantasies, stories, Fairy Tales. Dragons, unicorns, super heroes.

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