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"I'll look to like, if looking liking move." Later, she refuses to marry him and goes to Friar Lawrence for advice.

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Juliet's mother, Lady Capulet, is pleased and supportive of Juliet's marriage to Paris. She sees it as a good match that will bring the Capulet family honor and status. The Nurse, on the other hand, is more practical and supportive of Juliet's happiness, but also understands the benefits of the arranged marriage.

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Q: How do Juliet's mother and her nurse feel about Juliet being married?
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According to the nurse how old is Juliet?

The nurse in the play Romeo and Juliet has a motherly relationship with Juliet despite being the family's servant. According to the nurse, Juliet had yet to reach her 14th birthday while she secretly made wedding plans to marry Romeo.

Does Juliet die a virgin?

No Juliet does not die a virgin. After Romeo is exhiled from Verona, Juliet's nurse goes to Friar Lawrence's Cell in search of Romeo because Juliet is so upset. She threatens to kill herself. When the Nurse finds Romeo she sees how upset Romao is because he wants to be with Juliet. (They had just been secretly married that afternoon) So that night the Nurse hangs a rope ladder from Juliets bedroom window, and that evening Romeo climbed into her bedroom. ;)

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Romeo is typically depicted as a young, handsome man with dark hair and intense, passionate eyes. In literature and adaptations, he is often described as being well-dressed and charismatic, embodying the archetype of a romantic hero.

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Some examples of dishonesty in "Romeo and Juliet" include the secret marriage between Romeo and Juliet, the deception around Romeo's banishment, and the plan to fake Juliet's death. These acts of dishonesty ultimately lead to tragic consequences for the young lovers.

What is the importance of the nurse in Romeo and Juliet?

The Nurse provided the rope ladder for Romeo to climb up to Juliet's room on their wedding night and she served as a messanger for Juliet. She was one of the few adults in on the secret, along with Friar Lawrence, and since women Juliet's age weren't allowed out of the house often, the Nurse sent messages between Romeo and Juliet. The Nurse also raised Juliet since she was an infant, and even breastfed her. She was more of a mother to her than Lady Capulet.

How does Romeo die in Romeo x Juliet?

If you are talking about the anime romeo x Juliet then romeo died by being stabbed with a branch or tree from escalus(the living tree) and he dies in juliets arms, if you are talking about the original play by William shakespear then he died by drinking poison

How does Romeo find out about Juliets death?

How does Juliet find out about Romeo's death. Unless you have seen the original version of this play, you will not know. I have seen and therefore i know. When Friar Lawrence comes to the sepulcher, he sees Juliet starting to awaken. When he goes to Juliet to take her to his cell, she, awake now, sees Romeo dead. That is how she finds out about Romeo being dead.

What are juliets worst fears before drinking the potion in romeo and Ju?

Juliet's worst fears before drinking the potion in "Romeo and Juliet" include waking up alone in the tomb, being buried alive, and potentially suffering a violent death if the plan fails. She is also afraid of the uncertainty of the potion's effects and whether Romeo will truly be there to rescue her.

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Juliet says she would deny her family and change her name in order to be with Romeo.

In romeo and Juliet who brings up the idea about marriage?

Bigamy is being married to two people at once. Juliet's nurse betrays her by suggesting that she marry Paris after Romeo is banished.